On December 1, 2022, Daystar University received the new Chaplain at the Main Campus Athi River during the staff chapel service. Rev. John Miano Weche...
On Monday December 5, 2022, Daystar University sank yet another borehole at its Main Campus Athi River in an effort to offset the prevailing challenge...
As we come to the end of this year and take a short break over the Christmas holidays, allow me to invite all faculty and staff to a meeting with our...
Today, December 1, 2022, Daystar University received the new Chaplain, Rev. John Miano Weche. Rev. Miano was received at the Main Campus Athi River by...
Main Campus Athi River Tue Nov 29, 2022 - Holy Communion, Rev. Steven Nduto, University Chaplain Thur Dec 1, 2022 - Separate Staff and Student Chap...
On 1st November 2022, the Africa Journal for Clinical Psychology published its Vol. 5, Issue No. 1. A publication of the School of Applied Human Sci...
On 16th November 2022, Prof. Bünyamin HAN of Kütahya Dumlupinar University in Turkey paid a courtesy visit to the Vice Chancellor Prof. Laban Ayiro...
Another activity that preceded the 45th graduation ceremony was the Graduation Chapel service. This year the graduation chapel took place on Thursday,...
November 15, 2022 was marked by pomp and glamour as the Class of 2022 cerebrated its graduation dinner. Donned in stylish evening wear, the graduands...
On Friday, 18th November 2022, Daystar University Chancellor, Dr. Florence Muindi awarded diplomas and conferred degrees, Masters and Doctorate degree...