Maasai Mara University Benchmarks with Daystar University
Posted on May 22, 2024 in News
On Wednesday 22nd May 2024 a team from Maasai Mara University spent their day at Daystar University, Athi River Campus on a benchmarking visit.

Front row (L-R): Prof. Muturi Wachira, Dr. Fredrick Otieno, Prof. Faith Nguru, Prof. Paul Maithya, Dr. Belinda Kisia, Dr. Zeddy Lemein, and Ms. Pentina Ayabei
[Wednesday May 22, 2024, Athi River] Daystar University hosted officials of Maasai Mara University who visited the Athi River Campus for a benchmarking tour.
The team, led by Prof. Paul Maithya, comprised of the Registrar Academics Dr. Fredrick Otieno, the Chairperson, Department of Business Management Dr. Belinda Kisia, the Chairperson, Department of Social Sciences Dr. Zeddy Lemein Korei, and the Assistant Registrar Ms. Pentina Ayabei. Prof. Maithya is the HOD, Department of Education Management and Policy Studies. The five constituted an Ad-hoc Committee of Maasai Mara University Senate.
The team was received by the DVC ARSA, Prof. Faith Nguru and DVC-FAP Prof. Muturi Wachira, Management Board members, Members of Senate and Managers. Areas of focus for the benchmarking visit included achievement of goals, coordination and teamwork, organizational culture, customer focus, change management, and innovation.
The day began with a courtesy call to the Vice-chancellor on arrival, followed by tour of Athi River Campus. The team then sat in the Senate Room, where the Director, Academic Affairs, Prof. Samuel Muriithi gave a detailed presentation of Daystar University, followed by a question-and-answer session.
The guests left Athi River Campus at 5:30pm delighted about the knowledge shared and exposure to the Athi River Campus. The Daystar team also learnt a thing or two from their Maasai Mara University counterparts.
Daystar University has over the years welcomed teams from other universities in Kenya and the region coming for benchmark exercises.