Daystar Hosts Bishop’s Ecumenical Breakfast Seminar
Posted on April 10, 2024 in Events
Daystar Leadership & Professional Development Institute (DLPDI) hosted a glamorous breakfast meeting for Bishops and church overseers, on 10th April 10, 2024 at the DAC Auditorium, Nairobi Campus. The guest speaker was the Presiding Bishop, CITAM, Rev. Calisto Odede

Participants of Bishops' breakfast meeting
By Hannington Karanja
Daystar Leadership & Professional Development Institute (DLPDI) hosted a glamorous breakfast meeting for Bishops and church overseers, on 10th April 10, 2024 at the DAC Auditorium, Nairobi Campus. The guest speaker was the Presiding Bishop, CITAM, Rev. Calisto Odede, Present from Daystar University was the Activing Vice-chancellor and DVC ARSA, Prof. Faith Nguru, DVC FAP, Prof. Muturi Wachira, Director, CUI/ChemiChemi, Dr. Julisa Rowe, Director DLPDI, Prof. Abraham Waithima. The event was attended by men of cloth from diverse denominations in Kenya. The event aimed to familiarize the church leaders on the significance of using art to spread the gospel in the modern world.
In his conversational keynote address, drawn from Exodus 35, Rev. Calisto Odede underscored the need to communicate the gospel of Christ to the younger generation through visual arts in order to establish in them a long-term understanding of the scriptures, create interest in scripture and consequently raise a generation that upholds the sovereignty of the Almighty God. Rev. Odede familiarized Church leaders with world trends and encouraged them to prudently embrace the emerging changes in delivering the gospel, including use of drama, blogs, website, social media platforms among others.
On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Faith Nguru appreciated and encouraged religious leaders to embrace the use of visual arts in communicating to the younger generation about the great wonders of the Lord, saying that in them the Church of tomorrow is either built or wrecked. Speaking on Visual Arts. Prof. Nguru reiterated the University’s commitment in naturing a God-fearing society, citing various occasions where art has been utilized during chapel sessions on campus while marking poignant times on the Christian calendar. Additionally, Prof Nguru acknowledged the challenges of creativity in Ministry and urged leaders and congregants to seek God’s counsel in delivering His word. She concluded, “we continue to think together what is appropriate contextually, and when natured thoughtfully, the arts can enhance partnerships between churches.”
Visual Arts maestro Dr. Julisa Rowe adeptly informed attendees on the impacts of storytelling in Ministry through drama. Dr. Rowe who led a handful but skilled crew in demonstrating scripture reading through performance was applauded for her effort in championing the integration of creative arts and Ministry. Furthermore, she referenced the Bible in Exodus 35, stating God’s willingness and joy in using craftsmen in spreading his word to the masses. Speaking on the younger generation’s attention, she stressed on leveraging creative arts in capturing their attention. On giving the way forward, Dr. Rowe encouraged church leaders to utilize art in Bible study sessions, discipleship, approaching prayer and healing traumas.
Rev. Miano Weche, who opened the breakfast meeting with a heavenly devotion, once again extended his service at the closure of the event in offering the benediction.